Visit your physician or hair specialist for a consultation. Take control of your hair loss sooner rather than later. Share your concerns and observations. Discuss your options. Yes there are options. Pretending something does not exist will not make it go away.
The key to growing and maintaining thicker, healthier hair is extending and maintaining the anagen growth cycle of the hair. When this cycle is interrupted, miniaturization occurs causing smaller finer hair. A healthy scalp and diet are important to normal hair growth. The AnagenFX one-of-kind hair maintenance program begins with a dermatologist-developed cleanser, revitalizer and amino supplement. The customized, topical prescription follicle stimulator works in combination, to provide synergy, to combat hair loss in both men and women. Each part of the AnagenFX hair maintenance kit is designed for simple, daily use.
There is no stopping the aging process, or changing your gene, there’s still hope.